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The Future Isn't So Far Away...


So the other day my textiles sixth form A-Level class, took a day trip down to The Arts Institute in Bournemouth. The intended purpose of this trip was to scope it out and see if we could take inspiration from their work for our new design briefs (also known as planning ahead, which i'm not the best at)! Also to check out the university and see if we would like to attend come next year (eeek)!

In all honesty, upon my arrival I did not have high expectations of the work the students produced because I had no idea what skill level they possessed. But OMG I was completely blown away! The detail and proficiency of their work was truly amazing! Definitely on a professional scale!

Of course I couldn't help myself, but I just had to touch and take as many pictures as possible to absorb the high standards exhibited in the show rooms. Many of the garments displayed were also previewed in Graduates Fashion Week, so it was an honour to be able to see their thought process throughout.
I think one of my main thoughts though, was how did these students (who aren't much older than me), managed to jump from amateur hour in sixth form, to professional runway/high fashion standards within a short number of years. I don’t think I will ever obtain the skill they possess (probably because I’m just not creative enough :( ).

I find looking at universities, choosing what I would like to study and what profession I wish to enter has to be one of the hardest decisions I am currently faced with. Being my indecisive self as per usual, makes the whole situation worse!! I mean, who knows, in 20 years time I may decide against my chosen career path and do something completely new. I guess i will just have to wait and find out. Hows the university process going for you?
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this blog x

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