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Beat the Blues


Okay, so by now you must know what day is readily approaching. Blue Monday. In case you are unaware, Blue Monday is calculated to be the most depressing day of the year and is always sometime in the middle of January. This is due to a number of factors including Christmas being over, New Year’s resolutions have failed and it's miserable and cold outside. 

But fear not, here are my top tips to beat the blues:

 1. Pamper yourself. 
Make you feel good both inside and out with a good girly pamper day.If you are like me, a good pampering always cheers me up. Grab a magazine, put on face mask, play some music and take to the bath tub with a glass of wine. Nothing says depressing about a relaxing evening in. 

2. Hit the gym.
Yes, this may not sound like the best idea initially, but it all pays off in the end. Going to the gym can feel like the most daunting thing, but working out relieves stress and makes you feel good after. Just think about that perfect bikini body you want.

3. Chocolate cake and movies.
I know what you are thinking; this definitely contradicts the last one. But sometimes chocolate cake and a good Romcom is what you need to make you feel happier. So find the perfect Romcom, Crazy Stupid Love is always a favourite for me (hello Ryan Gosling six pack), buy some chocolate cake and sit down with a group of friends and enjoy. 

4. Take to online shopping.
If all else fails, online shopping always cheers me up. It's a New Year after all. What's that saying? 'New Year new you,' so why not start with a new wardrobe. Just don't look at your bank balance afterwards. 

5. Get out the house.
Try taking yourself to somewhere you've never been before. For me there are 101 new places and events to discover in London every day, something is always going on. Get dressed in your favourite winter warmers and head out into the unknown, who knows you might just find a new favourite restaurant or event.

6. Spend it with friends.
Not all of us are lucky enough to have no commitments on Monday to spend the day chilling, I for one definitely don't. Whether for you it's school, university or work, surround yourself with those who will make you laugh until your stomach hurts. Nothing beats the blues of Monday like laughing. Its will make the day fly by.

These are just some of the things I know will beat the blues for me. 
What are your plans for Monday?

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