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My Summer Must Reads


This features a vintage snowglobe I recieved when I was very little,
such a cute paper weight.

I must admit, I am a bit of a book worm and when summertime comes, I'm obsessed with finding a good book to lie out in the sun and enjoy.  I thought it was only fitting to share a few summer reads and rereads with you.

1.     ‘The Fault In Our Stars’- I have previously mentioned this book in a blog post (‘July Favourites’ if you want to check that out Click Here ) but I cannot stress enough how beautifully written it is. After discovering this book, John Green has become one of my favourite authors! Since, I have been scouring the book stores for more of his creations. Anyway, back to the book, it’s a cancer story but it’s not about cancer. The story revolves around the two main characters Hazel and Augustus finding their last and only love. The Fault In Our Stars manages to capture every emotion in the short number of pages. I must admit I cried A LOT reading this book, which never happens to me. After finding out a movie was being made I became obsessed! Obviously, I tried to cry gracefully watching the creation come to life (not sure if I succeeded there), whist the cinema was filled with silence, apart from the sniffling of the audience shedding a tear (or a million).

2.     ‘Looking for Alaska’- After discovering the author John Green, I needed to read more of his literature and this was the next book I found. Undoubtedly, there is romance involved here! The main character Miles Halter leaves his Florida home to join a boarding in the hope ‘to seek a Great Perhaps.’ Turns out, he might just find one, and one which includes a girl, Alaska Young. It is more childish in my opinion but still a must read!

3.     ‘Where Rainbows End’- or ‘Love, Rosie.’ My final summer read I have recently finished, is a book by Cecelia Ahem, the writer of the esteemed ‘Ps. I love you.’ I discovered this book after viewing the trailer for the movie version, featuring one of my style icons, Lily Collins. This book tells the story of Rosie and Alex, best friends and secretly in love with each other. It tells the story of their live through a progression of letters, texts and emails. Of course, I was in constant anticipation of what was going to happen next with this book in the hope that through all the dramas, they would be with each other in the end. I am giving away no spoilers here; I can’t stand it when a book is ruined by that one person who can’t keep the ending/dramatic twist to themselves.

As you can tell, I love a good love story and could rave on all day about several other books too, but I do not intend to send you to sleep.

What are you favourite book reads/rereads?

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